Governors Highway Safety Association

GHSA represents the state and territorial highway safety offices that implement programs to address behavioral highway safety issues, including: occupant protection, impaired driving, and speeding. GHSA provides leadership and advocacy for the states and territories to improve traffic safety, influence national policy, enhance program management and promote best practices.

GHSA is aware that it is projected by the year 2020, nearly 50 million Americans over 65 will have or be eligible for a driver’s license and almost one-half of them will be age 75 or older.

The needs of mature drivers could be addressed by making highway signs bigger and brighter; maintaining roadway signs and markings to the highest level of accepted performance; passing safety belt use laws; adopting state uniform vision standards; and researching crash protection for mature drivers. In addition, early warning programs should be developed to help mature drivers better understand their driving capabilities. Improvements should be made in the licensing process so that safe mature drivers are kept on the road as long as possible. Learn more.

Additional information:
Older driver safety 
Laws affecting older drivers