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    NHTSA Announces New 5-Year Traffic Safety Plan and Guidelines for Older Drivers and Passengers.

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Susan Cohen Nathan Krasnopoler's mother was in Maryland to testify for a bike lane bill. She Bikemoreemore also put flowers on Nathan's ghost bike. The crash was on Feb. 26, 2011.Note how the upgraded bike lane is now separated from the roadway. ... See MoreSee Less
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Dementia and Driving...what happens if you talk to your loved one about the cessation of their driving and that discussion does not go very well?#alzheimersawareness #alzheimersassociation #alzheimers #alzheimersdisease #dementia #dementiaawareness #dementiacare #dementiasupport #elderlycare #Elderly #elderlyparents #Elderlylivesmatter #elderlylove #Vehicle #vehiclesafetyThere are some older individuals that give up driving easily, particularly if they live in an area where there is public transportation. However, you should be prepared that your loved one has no intention of every stopping their driving. Your loved one probably does not know that their driving is not good. Dementia and Alzheimers symptoms creep up on people. It's much akin to gaining 50 pounds over 2 years. You eventually see the problem, but you wonder how you got there. Just be patient, but make sure your loved one understands your position on their driving. You cannot be too blunt...be kind and understand why the older individual wants to continue driving. The loss of independence can have very detrimental effects on people. You can also ask a trusted family member or an attorney to step in to help them understand the liability of continued driving.Don't blame yourself if the conversation does not go well. Many older drivers will continue driving despite having a revoked license, no insurance and no licensing of their vehicle. Not having these does not physically stop them from driving. Many times the absolutely only thing you can do is to physically disable the vehicle. You can remove the line to the battery, removed the battery or many other things, including taking the keys if at all possible.The most important thing you can do is to help older individuals getting transportation to avoid the loss of independence. Ask a respected family authority figure or your attorney to reinforce the message about not driving.If the conversation does not go well, do not blame yourself. The disease can impair insight and judgment, making it difficult for people to understand that their driving is no longer safe. Also the disease can cause mood and personality changes that make reactions more pronounced.As a last resort, take away the car keys, disable the car or consider selling the car. When you do any of these things, be sure to provide safe, reliable alternative transportation. ... See MoreSee Less
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